Living Up to Being a Wino

The goal of getting my own wine label is within my reach. Achieving that goal would mean that I am finally Living Up to Being a Wino. It also means that I would adopt the new meaning of the word; that is: Wino: a wine enthusiast or connoisseur.

I am the friend, the sister, the aunt that always brings the wine to every get together. Even when they don’t ask. Never show up anywhere without bringing something. I ask what’s on the menu, what can I bring and then I choose the wine based on the type of food we will be enjoying. I believe that wine enhances both the food and the experience.

My label would be focused on nature. I love the mountains. To me there is nothing better than a waking up a crisp morning with a beautiful mountain view and taking a hike to a flowing river or a cascading waterfall. My label and the wine in the bottle would be crisp and simple.

The wine should be fresh and plump with hints of citrus and pear, a touch of vanilla and the dry light-bodied flowery flavor with a tingly finish. It should be a Grand Cru Chablis.

The regional characteristics of Chablis originated from the northwest corner of France. The region that my paternal grandmothers’ ancestors came from. I never met her, but I am named after her and have been told that I am just like her. She drank wine too – “strictly for medicinal purposes”.

Sometimes I wonder what she was like. Did she remember her early years in France? Did she run through the hills and enjoy the crisp morning air.

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I actually put it in the food. I have learned so much about wine since joining DTC_Ambassador. I have always enjoyed wine, hence the nickname, but now I see it is a brand-new light. This Wine Discoveries Club has helped me take my tasting skills to the next level.

Pairing Food with Chablis

My first experience with Chablis was in Toronto, Canada with Burgandy Snails as the first course. It was the experience of a lifetime and one of the most memorable meals for both my husband and me. We were there on a wedding engagement celebration trip. We still talk about that meal and that wine, 45 years later. Today, I would normally pair Chablis with fish or chicken but may experiment with a richer alfredo sauce.

A couple of the desserts that I would pair with my wine would be Cannoli-Chardonnay Torte, with its rich and creamy flavors and hint of chocolate. I think the citrus tones of the Chablis would both lighten and enhance those flavors. Easy Apple Crisp is another, it is usually served warm with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. The crispness of the wine would be a welcome amplification, picking up the hints of apple & pear.

Ultimately, Living Up to Being a Wino would be a dream come true.