Contact Us

How do you keep up with all the products and services we have to offer? The best way is to Contact Us. Many things are available to you here within RJC’s Online Community. You can stay on top of things by Contacting Us here:

  1. Registering on our Email Notification System to the Right of this Information Page, that is Contact Us.
  2. You will receive an initial email and then follow up emails as new things are added. This will be through key updates and awesome finds as we add products & services.
  3. Reply to any of those Emails. We will reach out to you to connect and show you all the available options and benefits from being a Community Member.

Tour the online mall on the left of the page. There you will find unique products and services only available through our online community. Many of these products and services are available at members only pricing. Many of them are not offered outside our community and most of them are not offered at the pricing we have to offer.

Why join an online community?

  • You can choose how you want to participate in our community. It is not one size fits all. We are growing every day through meeting people where they are in life, right now. In this economy, we all need to do what we can to save and grow. We offer multiple opportunities for both. Many people are longing for a sense of community, are you?
  • Shared Benefits on Things you Use and Need EVERY DAY. Ever heard there is safety in numbers? Due to our size, we can offer unique items and the benefit of cost savings on both products and services.
  • Access to Supplemental & Replacement Income. W – we offer the opportunity to bless you and your family with anywhere from $100’s to $1,000’s a month in supplemental to replacement income.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!