Cancer Sucks

Whether you have been affected personally, lived with or have seen someone who has suffered from cancer, you know cancer sucks. You will never forget the day when you got the news, It’s Cancer. Over 600,000 people are diagnosed with this disease annually. That is for every 100,000 people, 403 will receive the diagnosis. Yes, Cancer Sucks but the good news is, those numbers are decreasing. There are new options and alternative treatments that can turn that prognosis from certain death to a longer, productive life.

Some of those treatments and surgeries have significant effects on your emotions and other parts of your body. We now have something to help the physical scars. Aftercare is Skincare – Alma Marisol, Founder These products are produced by women, through their female founded and owned business. They are Made in the USA. Additionally, they are meant to both heal as well as, provide soothing relief to all skin types, for any person that needs those healing effects.

Living Through Cancer

You can live through cancer and come out on the other side. That is to say, there is living proof. Those surgery scars do not have to be the end of your story.

My husband has had various levels of skin cancer. Every 3 months we hold our breath when he goes for his checkup. He has scars but you learn to look beyond them. You learn to appreciate them vs. the alternative outcome. Early detection is key.

My brother-in-law, who has now passed, would have welcomed this Healing Balm. He went through chemo, multiple times, not to mention the horrible side effects from multiple medications. At one point, his hands swelled up like the Hulk. In true Mark fashion, he made a joke about it, but all I could think about was the pressure and the pain he must have been feeling.

The Other Side

Once you come out on the other side of cancer, you learn to celebrate life like never before. The World becomes more brilliant. Flowers are brighter. You notice everything around you in living color. You start to realize that if your Why Doesn’t Make YOU Cry, You Need a New WHY.

If only we could realize that we should embrace life before we receive that kind of challenge, life would be just that much sweeter. It is a reminder to make the most of the gifts you have been given. Be thankful for every blessing and help those in need, as your needs are met. “If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want.” Gratitude brings peace.

Strength in Healing

Above all, strength in healing will set the course moving forward. After a while both your internal and external scars will fall away. You will find your strength, moving in the right direction, with confidence that you are a survivor and no longer a patient.

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”