Brainfood Academy

TEACHERS, WE NEED YOU for our online education program, Brainfood Academy. If the pandemic taught us anything, it showed us that educating our kids through a different method was achievable and even desirable.  Many areas of the world found that doing so, on a widespread basis, was an issue all over the world. We have good news, we figured it out.  We offer an alternative online education program, through Brainfood Academy.

So, if you are looking for an alternative and are ready to walk away from the standard school schedule and undesirable curriculum that is being pushed, we have another option for you. We give you the option to use not only your knowledge, but also your imagination to revolutionize education. We give you the opportunity to go back go back to your roots and the reason you decided to be a teacher in the first place.

Real Teaching of Real Subjects

Don’t you want to teach the way you always envisioned. Looking into the eyes of the beautiful gifts that the Good Lord gave us and letting those eager sponges absorb real knowledge. The type of curriculum that will provide them with tools for a healthy successful life. Educating kids in the things they need to grow and nurture throughout their life. How to read, how to write, how to properly speak and balance their checkbook and manage their finances. True life skills.

You have the ability to teach more students and to actually be paid for the work you are doing. You govern that pay based on what, when and how you want to teach.

How the Brainfood School Works

Our program is different from the rest. We designed it that way. Children can learn in the comfort and safety of their home, or where it makes the most sense for their family. Our non-traditional education platform will allow teachers to educated students all over the world. With this unique platform, the teach can actually education student from all over the world. Not only that, they will be able to set their own earning potential. This is explained in the Pay Structure of the below.

Since the pandemic, more states have allocated funds for homeschooling. Below is a link to check to see if your state has these funds available. This is a great marketing tool to help you establish your student base. Once you are approved into the program, you will then get access to your back office through the FMS Vortex system. There you will have your own zoom link as well as training on how to set up your own YouTube channel.

School Choice is the best way to go. Many states have adopted school choice and now the nation is moving in the right direction.

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