Welcome to our online community.

Thank you for stopping by and Welcome to RJC’s Online Community. You’ve found the home for new online products, services, information and offerings.  RJC’s Online Community page provides information, opinions and details about products and services available online.  The goal is for RJC’s Online Community is to be a leading source of information. Keep reading, because right here in this very post is a GIFT – that could literally change your entire financial future.

Why?  Because that is what we do.  We find products and services, add and share them all here.  This site is your inside source for new things that can make a difference in your life.  We offer information and access to products and services that you can use every day.  There are several things on this site that can enhance and make your life better.  Be sure to check back often and browse through our various Categories.  This community is growing all the time, and it is all here for you.

About the Author

Leaving Corporate America has been the best move of my life. I so wish I had ditched that ladder years ago. I am best suited working for myself. This way I count on me and my own abilities to live the life I want. Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for Corporate America, and it did right by me for many years, as long as I followed the rules and suppressed my thoughts and opinions. Even as an officer and partner in multiple companies, you soon learn you still answer to someone. Well, I prefer to answer to the person in the mirror, that is myself. The person I can trust the most. The person I know will do the right thing in every situation, even if the right thing is hard. If you are interested in joining me on your own journey – Contact Me.

New Information and New Innovation

We provide new information and new innovation to help make life better. With many opportunities to save you money along the way. We have access to things that help you live better, live richer, and live healthier lives.

We cover several different areas of interest, and we keep adding very unique products and services again and again. New information is available all the time. So, keep posted.  Some of the items we bring to light, are only available for a limited time, so be sure to register so you’ll get the Email notifications as things are changing. Go Here to Register



Biohacking will benefit you or someone you know!  These biohacking products are also known as human enhancements. It is known for improving brain function, enhancing sleep to faster weight loss, as well as many things in between. With biohacking, you will break old habits and help your body recover and unwind from strenuous workouts, poor diet, demanding deadlines, and everyday stresses. Internationally known, Zlem will improve your nights sleep and activate micro-burn at the same time. And we have biohacking products to help you in all of these areas of your health journey. Our Products

Favorite Finds:

One of our favorite finds is: FREE BITCOIN You can see that in the Computers & Internet Section.  This is something that anyone with a Computer and a Heartbeat should have a look at.  This is where you can (in less than 5 minutes) be registered, give free bitcoin, and be able to let your Computer run an Amazing and TOTALLY SECURE application on your PC, where you will literally be mining (thus earning) bitcoin.

It is literally like giving you several dollars to just get going, tell you to let the application run (without interfering with your needs on your Computer) and telling you to wait on it and let it build up… because… this could literally give you cash for paying off debts, buying homes, cars, or letting you become in charge of your life.  WANT even more – we have it… be sure to REGISTER to our E-Zine Newsletter.  GO HERE and subscribe on the left-hand side of the screen.

We are always going to be adding more:

We are adding all sorts of Offers and New Online Finds from A to Z.  There is always something beneficial for anyone and everyone.  These are products and services we use and try ourselves.  When they work, and the savings are there, we just add them to our lists of other great services.  All of these are located in their proper category (see to the left). One of the leading offerings is our Wine of the Month Club.

So we hope you have just as much fun seeing what is in store for you here, as we did finding them in the first place!  New Stuff, and well cool stuff too.

Thank you for stopping by.  Keep coming back for more.  We are here to make your life better.  Please feel free to email us at any time.  Once you Register with us, you’ll be getting our email details and we’ll keep you up to date with new stuff and cool things found and available online all the time.

Welcome to our Online Community

I would like to welcome you to our online Community of impressive Deals, Offers and Choices. We are happy to offer you an incredible service, the golden egg, and keep you in the know with all the new finds available online.

No matter how great a new product or service is, if you don’t know about it, it’s hard to take advantage of it.

Golden Egg

That is why we are here to help. We are constantly finding and adding incredible choices online here on our Community Site.

We do our best to cover several different areas of interest. As a result, we will be adding some unique additions in the days to come.  So keep posted and visit often to stay up-to-date.  Some of the offers are only available for a limited time. So be sure to register below and follow me on social media, so you’ll receive Email notifications when new offers are posted.

GO HERE AND CLICK, then, Register for Community updates in the Entry Form directly on the Right.

One of my favorite options is: Wine Magic.  You can find that in the Arts & Entertainment Section.  This is an amazing program that offers huge savings on top-quality wines from Napa and Sonoma Valley. They are a welcome addition to anyone’s life. World-Class Wine at a fraction of the cost, adds so much to our quality of life and the quality of your everyday meal to a gathering of family and friends.

From A to Z (in this case T) we cover a wide range of choices.

And, we are updating things all the time.  We beta test the products and services ourselves, before we offer them. When it is the right choice for use at an affordable price, we share them here.  You will find the choices located by category (see the left-hand side of the page).

So we hope you enjoy seeing what is in store for you here, as we did by exploring and discovering them, in the first place! Be sure to bookmark this page and keep checking as we add things. We have an amazing e-newsletter that we send out showing updates and key information on amazing deals. We do not sell or share your info, ever. Because we do not share info with anyone, ever. We appreciate You and that you are part of what we are doing here. We are looking forward to several more decades of sharing. 

It is like having a new car.

You keep finding new options and functions that it has every time you get in it. Then possibly years later, you’ll find out that you had all sorts of cool choices that you never used before. In our community, you will find choices in each Category. We add new options all the time. Sometimes we add an entirely new category. We are always changing and adding to give you the best choice for whatever you are looking for.

Want to see our latest incredible find? See it here. These are life-changing products! They are not available in stores. These are online only products……available here!

This is our passion, and our way of keeping engaged in the ever-changing World around us. Welcome and Thank You for stopping by. We look forward to welcoming you again and again.